Ieng Thirith
Related Case(s) : 002
Alias : Phea1
IENG Thirith (1932-2015) was the Minister of Social Affairs of Democratic Kampuchea. She was indicted for genocide, crimes against humanity, grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, and crimes under the Cambodian Penal Code. She was found unfit to stand trial and remained under judicial supervision until her death.
Explore the Khmer Rouge hierarchy to understand her role in the secretive system.
10 March
Born in Phnom Penh.2
Studied at Lycée Sisowath in Phnom Penh with Ieng Sary.3
Studied at Sorbonne University in Paris, where she was part of the Marxist Circle together with Saloth Sar (Pol Pot), Ieng Sary, Khieu Samphan and Son Sen.4
Married Ieng Sary.5
Returned to Cambodia to work as a professor.6
Followed Saloth Sar (Pol Pot) and Ieng Sary to Office 100 at the Vietnam border, where she remained until 1970.7
Appointed as GRUNK Minister of Popular Education and Youth.10
Appointed as Minister of Social Affairs endorsed by the People’s Representative Assembly.14

1977 and 1988
Delivered speeches in the presence of diplomats from North Korea and Egypt.15
14 November
Arrested and detained by order of the Co-Investigating Judges.16
15 September
Indicted by Co-Investigating Judges.17
17 November
Found unfit to stand trial and later released under judicial supervision. 18
24 August
Died in Pailin.19

Indicted in Case 002 for crimes against humanity:
- Murder
- Extermination
- Enslavement
- Deportation
- Imprisonment
- Torture
- Rape
- Persecution on political, racial, and religious grounds (i) other inhumane acts
Indicted in Case 002 for genocide:
- By killing members of the Cham and Vietnamese groups
Indicted in Case 002 for grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions of 1949:
- Wilful killing
- Torture or inhumane treatment
- Wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health
- Wilfully depriving a prisoner of war or civilian the rights of fair and regular trial
- Unlawful deportation or unlawful confinement of a civilian
Indicted in Case 002 for violations of the 1956 Penal Code of Cambodia:
- Homicide
- Torture
- Religious persecution.
Proceedings were terminated on 24 August 2015 following her death. 21
Key Findings
Role and Responsibilities
The Co-Investigating Judges in Case 002 found that there was sufficient evidence that Ieng Thirith:
- Was not a member of the Standing or Central Committees. 22
- Held responsibilities for Culture, Social Action, and Foreign Affairs since 9 October 1975, sharing some responsibilities for foreign affairs with Ieng Sary. 23
- Was Minister of Social Affairs after the 1976 elections, sitting on the Council of Ministers where Party guidelines were issued for the Ministers to implement, and reporting to the CPK upper echelon on the activities of the ministry. 24
- Exercised control over the Ministry of Social Affairs and Office K-2. 25
- Was responsible for the purchase, production, and distribution of medicine in Phnom Penh and throughout Cambodia. 26
- Exercised control over hospital and pharmaceutical factory personnel and held regular meetings and training sessions within the Ministry of Social Affairs. 27
- Participated in meetings of the Central Committee and major CPK gatherings where policies were decided upon and disseminated and was responsible for disseminating and implementing these policies, in particular within the Ministry of Social Affairs. 28
Criminal Responsibility
The Co-Investigating Judges in Case 002 found that there was sufficient evidence that Ieng Thirith:
- Was a member of a joint criminal enterprise with CPK leaders with the common purpose to “implement rapid socialist revolution through a ‘great leap forward’ and defend the Party against internal and external enemies, by whatever means”. 29
- Participated or contributed to the design, implementation, and control of the CPK’s policies, including the movement of the population, the establishment of cooperatives and worksites, re-education of “bad elements” and killing of enemies, targeting of specific groups of people, and the regulation of marriage. 30
- Was aware of the shortages of medicine and serious health problems throughout the country. 31
- Endorsed and publicly explained the CPK’s policy in speeches and interviews, and at political indoctrination sessions where she conducted in Phnom Penh or while personally visiting the provinces. 32
- Implemented the CPK’s policy throughout the country in matters related to health and social affairs and within her Ministry in matters related to security. 33
Mr. Phat Pouv Seang, Ms. Diana Ellis
Related Documents
- Interview of Ieng Thirith by Elizabeth Becker, October-November 1980, E3/659.