concerned the charges against Kaing Guek Eav (alias Duch) the chairman of S-21 Security Center in Phnom Penh.

concerned the charges against senior leaders Nuon Chea, Kieu Samphan, Ieng Sary and Ieng Thirith

concerned the charges against Meas Muth, Commander of Division 164 (the navy) and Sou Met, Commander of Division 502 (the air force), prior to his death.

concerned the charges against Im Chaem Ao An and Yim Tith.
suspects and
charged persons
KAING Guek Eav, alias “Duch” (1942-2020), was the Chairman and Secretary of S-21 Security Centre in Phnom Penh, a facility for the unlawful detention, interrogation, and execution of perceived enemies of the Communist Party of Kampuchea (“CPK”). He was sentenced to life imprisonment for his participation in crimes against humanity and grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions committed at S-21 Security Centre.

NUON Chea born LAO Kim Lorn (1926-2019), was the Deputy Secretary of the CPK, Chairman of the People’s Representative Assembly, and temporarily served as acting Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea. He was sentenced to life imprisonment for genocide, crimes against humanity and grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions.

ieng sary
IENG Sary born KIM Tran (1925-2013) was the Deputy Prime Minister for Foreign Affairs of Democratic Kampuchea. He was indicted for genocide, crimes against humanity, grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, and crimes under the Cambodian Penal Code. Proceedings against him were terminated on 14 March 2013, following his death.

ieng thirith
IENG Thirith (1932-2015) was the Minister of Social Affairs of Democratic Kampuchea. She was indicted for genocide, crimes against humanity, grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, and crimes under the Cambodian Penal Code. She was found unfit to stand trial and remained under judicial supervision until her death.

meas muth
MEAS Muth (Born 1938) was the Commander of the Democratic Kampuchea Navy (Division 164) and Secretary of Kampong Som Autonomous Sector. He was charged and indicted by the International Co-Investigating Judge in Case 003, while the National Co-Investigating Judge dismissed his Case for lack of personal jurisdiction. The Case against Meas Muth was terminated in 2021.

im chaem
IM Chaem (Born 1946) was Secretary of Preah Net Preah District in Sector 5 (Northwest Zone). She was charged by the International Co-Investigating Judge in Case 004 (later 004/01). The Co-Investigating Judges jointly dismissed the charges against Im Chaem in 2017 for lack of personal jurisdiction.

ao an
AO An (1933-2020) was a Secretary of Sector 41 before being appointed as Deputy Secretary of the Central Zone. He was charged and indicted by the International Co-Investigating Judge in Case 004 (later 004/02), while the National Co-Investigating Judge dismissed his Case for lack of personal jurisdiction. The Case against Ao An was terminated in 2021 by the Supreme Court Chamber for lack of a definite and enforceable indictment.

yim tith
YIM Tith (Born 1936) was Secretary of Sectors 1, 3, 4 (Northwest Zone) and 13 (Southwest Zone), and secretary of Kirivong district. He was charged and indicted by the International Co-Investigating Judge in Case 004, while the National Co-Investigating Judge dismissed his Case for lack of personal jurisdiction. The Case against Yim Tith was terminated in 2021.