Trial day 91

The Civil Party Lawyers questioned the witness Mr. Suong Sikoeun until lunch. After lunch a new witness, Mr. Ong Thong Hoeung was questioned by the Co-Prosecutors. 465 persons attended the trial hearing.

  • Hearing date :
  • Public attendance : 465 persons

Witnesses/experts/civil parties

Mr. SUONG Sikoeun alias Kung, alias Thorn

Mr. Sikoeun is a retiree, currently residing in Malai in Banteay Meanchey province. He told the Trial Chamber that he went to Paris in 1957 to study French literature. While in Paris he became a member of the Marxist-Leninist Circle. Mr. Sikoeun said he was involved in the establishment of the National United Front of Kampuchea in Beijing in 1970, and became the head of FUNK's information office in Beijing.  He became a full rights member of the Communist Party of Kampuchea in 1971.

Mr. ONG Thong Hoeung

Mr. ONG is a retiree, currently residing in Brussels, Belgium. He told the Trial Chamber that he left Cambodia for France in 1965 to pursue his studies. When he returned in 1976, he was taken straight from Pochentong Airport to a re-eductaion center in Phnom Penh.