Trial day 182

  • Hearing date :
  • Public attendance : 624 persons

Witnesses/experts/civil parties

Ms. SOU Sotheavy

Ms. SOU Sotheavy, a transgender woman, testified about the harm she suffered from the evacuation of Phnom Penh and the aftermath, the loss of all her immediate family, and the repeated beatings and rapes she suffered subsequently.

Mr. YOS Phal

Mr. YOS Phal testified during the victim impact hearings about the harm he has suffered. Mr. YOS was a policeman under the Lon Nol regime. He described how his entire squad was killed under suspicion of being internal enemies, how his father was killed because he was no longer useful to the revolution.

Mr. AUN Phally

Mr. AUN Phally testified during the victims impact hearing about the harm he ahs suffered. He gave a statement of suffering describing the deaths of the rest of his family, and his subsequent suffering as an orphan in a children’s unit where he was forced to work without food or water and regularly beaten.

Ms. SANG Rath

Ms. SANG Rath testified during the victims impact hearings about the harm she has suffered. She described how her family was divided by age and gender and put to work in Battambang province. Within one year, each of her four children and her husband had died from starvation and exhaustion.