Mr. SEANG Vandy

Seang Vandy was a Civil Party in Case 001, having suffered from the loss of his younger brother Seang Phon, who was executed at S-21.

Seang Vandy filed a Civil Party application to search for justice, make a claim for reparations, and to preserve the memory of his brother Seang Phon. Seang Vandy followed Prince Norodom Sihanoukís appeal to join the Khmer Rouge in the early 1970ís. His two younger brothers, Seang Phon and Seang Phat, were forced to join the Khmer Rouge army in 1973. They never returned. In late 2007 or early 2008, Seang Vandy learned through DC-Camís magazine Searching for the Truth that Seang Phon was arrested on 2 October 1977 and brought to S-21 where he was killed. There Seang Phon found two records of his confessions. As a Civil Party, Seang Vandy told the Trial Chamber about his suffering and that of his family since the disappearance of his brother Seang Phon. Since he discovered the fate of his brother, he has not been able to sleep well and experiences despair and hopelessness.

Seang Vandy put the following questions to the Accused: "Did he know his brother as an S-21 detainee?" "Did he read and annotate his brothersí confessions?" "How can the Accused claim that he is a patriotic person and that he followed the political line if he killed Khmer nationals?"


  • Witness acronym :
  • Age at the time of testimony :
  • Appeared as :
  • Cases : Case 001
  • Date(s) of testimony :

Transcript from testimony

Video recordings