180 students from Kampong Speu Learn about ECCC’ Achievements Through Mobile Resource Centre

180 students from Toub Mean Chey high school, Kong Pisey district, Kampong Speu province, 13 June 2024, learnt about the ECCC’s achievements through mobile resource center in the premise of Win-Win Memorial​.

The students briefly instructed on how to access, read, research the ECCC documents, and listened to presentations on the trial process of former senior Khmer Rouge leaders.

The event was conducted for the students who came to join the ECCC outreach study tour program and after they were briefed by the Win-Win Memorial officers on the history, concepts, contents, and the constructions of Win-Win Memorial.

After spending in a whole morning at Win-Win Memorial, the students continued their study tour to Toul Sleng Genocide Museum and Killing Field to learn the tragedy of left from the Khmer Rouge regime.

The ECCC weekly outreach study tour coordinated and lead by the Public Affairs Section is conducted for students, young people, and the public seeks to raise awareness about the atrocities committed by the Khmer Rouge regime. AS more than 650,000 members of the national and international public have taken part in outreach study tours since 2009 until the present day, 2024, with the Public Affairs Section of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal coordinating them.









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