News Articles

Media Alert: Co-Prosecutors file appeal against the Co-Investigating Judges

Today, the Co-Prosecutors have filed their appeal against the Co-Investigating Judges’ Closing Order in the case of Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch. This is five days ahead of schedule and in all three official languages of the ECCC: Khmer, English and French.

Training for lawyers in International Criminal Law (see DSS training in Future Events paragraph)

Location: Raffles Hotel Le RoyalDates: 18, 19, 21, and 22 July 2008The Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia, the International Bar Association and the Defence Support Section of the ECCC invite you to attend a four-day training course on International Criminal Law.The course will provide a detailed analysis of international criminal law applicable at the ECCC, covering forms of responsibility, and the individual offences of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. It will also outline the role of victims and their lawyers at the ECCC.The course will be taught by a faculty of visiting experts, experienced in international criminal law.Interested lawyers should apply to the BAKC as soon as possible, using the attached application form.
