News Articles

Germany pledges more financial support to maximise victims' participation in KR trials

On June 16, the German government, represented by its implementing agency German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), signed an agreement with the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) pledging an additional 400,000 Euros to the tribunal’s Victims Support Section (VSS) for the continuing improvement of victims’ participation in the Khmer Rouge trials.

UN Secretary-General's remarks to pledging conference for the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia

Your Excellency Mr. Chan Tani, Secretary of State of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Mr. Tony Kranh, Acting Director of Administration of Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, Mr. [Knut] Rosandhaug, Coordinator of UN Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, 

His Excellency Mr. Chan Tani's speech at ECCC pledging conference in New York

His Excellency Mr. Chan Tani, Secretary of State of the Office of the Council of Ministers of the Kingdom of Cambodia, represented His Excellency Dr Sok An, Minister in Charge of the Office, on a pledging conference for the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, held in New York on 25 May 2010. You can see a video of the speech below. 

KAING Guek Eav (Duch) Trial Chamber verdict to be pronounced on 26 July 2010

The verdict in Case File No. 001/18-07-2007-ECCC/TC concerning the Accused, KAING Guek Eav alias Duch, will be pronounced on Monday 26 July 2010 in the main courtroom of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). The time of commencement of the hearing will be communicated in due course.

Philippe Greciano appointed as Co-Lawyer for Khieu Samphan

Mr. Philippe Gréciano has been appointed as International Co-Lawyer for Mr. Khieu Samphan. He will be working together with Mr. Jacques Verges and Mr. Sa Sovan in the defence team of Mr. Khieu Samphan.Mr. Gréciano is a university professor and a member of the Paris Bar Association. He has more than 15 years experience, and has been involved in seven cases related to genocide and crimes against humanity in Rwanda before courts in France and Germany and before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.

Pre-Trial Chamber dismissed appeals from Ieng Sary, Khieu Samphan and Ieng Thirith against extension of provisional detention

In three decisions rendered on 30 April 2010, the Pre-Trial Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) dismissed appeals lodged by the charged persons Ieng Sary, Khieu Samphan and Ieng Thirith against three orders extending the periods of their respective provisional detention. 

UN Under-Secretary-General Patricia O'Brien visited ECCC

The United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs, Ms. Patricia O'Brien has visited the ECCC his week and held meetings with both national and international officials of the Court. On a town hall meeting with all ECCC staff on 21 April 2010, Ms. O'Brien commended the the Court for its progress. - The fact that the trial in Case 1 has been successfully completed, and judgment expected in the coming months, is already a success story for the ECCC. It is a great tribute to all of you working here in the Court, to the determination of the Government and people of Cambodia, and to the strength of the partnership with the United Nations, Ms. O Brien said. Under-Secretary-General O'Brien flanked by Acting Director Tony Kranh (left) and Deputy Director Knut Rosandhaug (right).

Approved ECCC Budget 2010-2011

The approved budget for the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) for 2010 and 2011 has been released and is now available on the ECCC website.

30 years searching for answers: Missing relatives found at S-21

Every Tuesday and Thursday, the Public Affairs Section of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) brings a group of 300 villagers from the Cambodian countryside to visit the ECCC and the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum.

7,000 students and teachers briefed about the ECCC

More than 7,000 students and teachers at Bak Touk high school in Phnom Penh were briefed by officials from the ECCC on 1 March 2010. The visit was part of a nationwide outreach program where court officials visit villages and schools all over Cambodia. The main goal with the outreach program is to increase awareness and understanding of the ECCC among regular Cambodians.   

Co-Investigating Judges set deadline for supplementary information from Case 002 Civil Party Applicants

In respect of Civil party applicants in Case 002 who have filed applications with the Victims Support Section up to the deadline of 29 January 2009, the Co-Investigating Judges of the ECCC have decided to accept supplementary information from those applicants if they wish to supply it.

Media Alert: Re-assignment of judges in the Pre-Trial Chamber

Following the nomination by the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, and the approval by the Supreme Council of the Magistracy, His Majesty the King Norodom Sihamoni has appointed Ms. Catherine Marchi-Uhel (France) as new international judge to serve in the Pre-Trial Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). 

Amended Internal Rules published

The Internal Rules of the ECCC as amended by the 7th ECCC Plenary Session was published on Friday 19 February 2010. You can read the updated version of the Internal Rules here: 

ECCC enters into agreement for the creation of a virtual tribunal

Today the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) signed an agreement with the Hoover Institution, Stanford University and the War Crimes Studies Center of the University of California, Berkeley for the establishment of a ECCC Virtual Tribunal Legacy Project.

7th Plenary Session of ECCC concludes

The 7th Plenary Session of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) today concluded, having enacted a number of rule amendments designed to ensure effective and streamlined Civil Party participation in ECCC proceedings.

ECCC launches new video

The Public Affairs Section of ECCC has just released a new video explaining the basics of the ECCC, with focus on the first trial against Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch. The video was originally produced for a meeting with the Group of Interested States to the ECCC in New York in December 2009. You can watch the video below.   A Khmer version of the video available here

-Significant achievements, but challenges ahead

"Although trial of Case File 001 completed with significant success, many challenges remain including maintaining the agreed timelines. The timelines were projected in consultation with all judicial offices. Now is the time to deliver", said H.E. Kong Srim, the President of the  Plenary during the opening of the 7th Plenary Session of the ECCC.  President of the Plenary, H.E. Kong Srim and International Vice-President Judge Silvia Cartwright during the opening of  the 7th ECCC Plenary Session.   Opening speech by H.E. President Kong Srim at ECCC Plenary Session 2 February 2010  Opening Speech by International Vice President, Judge Silvia Cartwright ECCC 7th Plenary Session, 2 February 2010. 

7th Plenary Session of the ECCC commences Tuesday 2 February

Between 2 and 9 February 2010, the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) will hold its 7th Plenary Session in the Main Courtroom on the premises of the ECCC.

Deadline for Complaints in Case 002

On 14 January 2010, the Co-Investigating Judges notified all parties to the proceedings that they consider the judicial investigation in Case File 002 to be concluded.

Conclusion of Judicial Investigation in Case 002

Today, in accordance with Rule 66(1) of the Internal Rules of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC), the Co-Investigating Judges have notified all the parties and their lawyers that they consider that the judicial investigation in Case 002, in which charges have been laid against Ieng Sary, Ieng Thirith, Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan and Kaing Guek Eav, has been concluded.

Victims Unit Extends Opening Hours For Final Civil Party Applications in Case 002

The Victims Unit is extending its opening hours for all persons wishing to file an application to become a Civil party in Case 002, in which charges have been laid against Ieng Sary, Ieng Thirith, Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan and Kaing Guek Eav. 

Supreme Court Chamber issues its First Decision

The Supreme Court Chamber has issued a decision on the appeals filed by lawyers for Civil Parties against the Trial Chamber's oral decision in August that barred civil parties from making submissions relevant to sentencing and from posing questions to character witnesses. This is the first ever decision by the Supreme Court Chamber.In its decision, the Supreme Court Chamber finds the appeals inadmissible, citing the sentencing and character decisions fall outside the scope of the ECCC's Internal Rule 104 (4) which specifies immediate appeals. In its reasoning, the chamber also cites such decisions can be appealed only at the same time as an appeal against the judgement on the merits.

ECCC Budget Request for 2010-2011 Presented to Donor Countries

The budget request for the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) for 2010 and 2011 was presented to the Steering Committee of UNAKRT and the Group of Interested States to the ECCC (GIS) during meetings in New York this week.  Both Acting Director of the Office of Administration, HE Tony Kranh and Deputy Director Knut Rosandhaug were present during the meetings.

Co-Investigating Judges issue order regarding Joint Criminal Enterprise

An Order from the Co-Investigating Judges, dated 8 December 2009, finds that the form of liability known as Joint Criminal Enterprise (JCE) applies for international crimes prosecuted before the ECCC. 

Pre-Trial Chamber dismisses Ieng Sary`s application to disqualify Co-Investigating Judge Marcel Lemonde

In a Decision issued on 9 December 2009, the Pre-Trial Chamber dismisses an application from Ieng Sary to disqualify Co-Investigating Judge Marcel Lemonde for alleged bias. Related documents: Decision on Ieng Sary`s application to disqualify Co-Investigating Judge Marcel Lemonde 
