Mr. SEN Srun

Rice farmer Sen Srun, 67, was formally interviewed five times by the court at his residence in Kampong Cham. He joined the revolutionary movement in 1971 and became a member of Batallion 305, Zone 304, Section 30. Mr. Sen was ordered to return to his home village in 1976. Upon returning, he was arrested and detained for ten days, after which he, with the consent of his family, was arranged to marry a woman. He was sent to work in the mobile unit as a tree climber. Mr. Sen recalls a relative integration of the Cham and Khmer people in his village, although practicing religion, wearing Cham clothing and speaking Cham were all forbidden. A large scale purge of the mid-level to high-ranking Northwest Zone Cadres took place in 1976 and 1977 as they were subsequently replaced by Southwestern counterparts. Sen told the Trial Chamber that he was assigned to accompany the Long Sword Group - a militia group created to track down and arrest Chams. He explained that all Cham people in the two villages were arrested in one day, perhaps 200-300 individuals, and that he was tasked to lead the arrested people to Wat Au Trakuon. The next day, Mr. Sen was told by a cadre that the arrested Cham people had been smashed during the last night. In 1979, Mr. Srun was assigned as village chief, after which time he ordered the exhumation of several mass graves surrounding the village.


  • Witness acronym :
  • Age at the time of testimony :
  • Appeared as :
  • Cases : Case 002Case 002/02
  • Date(s) of testimony :

Transcript from testimony

Video recordings