SENG Kuy (SENG Khuy)

Witness Mr. Seng Kuy, 62, is a Khmer who described the treatment of  the Chams in Angkor Ban village number 2. He stated that after the Khmer Rouge soldiers arrived in his village in 1975, he was considered “a slave among other slaves.” He told that he was assigned to work in the rice fields. After the Khmer Rouge regime took the power, the Chams were brought into his village. Mr. Seng testified that the Chams did not practice their religion because they were afraid of the Khmer Rouge. In 1977, Mr. Seng witnessed the arrest of approximately 15 Cham people, which were executed by Mr. Run and his communal security forces. He added that he heard Mr. Run being referred to as a butcher.  Mr. Seng added that at the end of the Khmer Rouge regime, Mr. Run was killed by the people of Angkor Ban because he was the one arresting people. He added that he was one of the people assigned to transport the arrested Chams to the Au Trakuon pagoda. He was ordered to do this particular task by the chief of the Angkor Village; he was afraid to be killed if he refused. He testified that he never saw the arrested Chams again after leaving them at the pagoda.

  • Alias :
    SENG Khuy
  • Witness acronym :
  • Age at the time of testimony :
  • Appeared as :
  • Cases : Case 002Case 002/02
  • Date(s) of testimony :

Transcript from testimony

Video recordings