The Pre-Trial Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia is seised of the Appeals lodged by the National Co-Prosecutor and the Co-Lawyers for MEAS Muth, on 5 April 2019 and 8 April 2019, respectively, against the Closing Order delivered by the International Co-Investigating Judge on 28 November 2018 in Case 003, and the Appeal lodged by the International Co-Prosecutor on 8 April 2019 against the Order Dismissing the Case against MEAS Muth, delivered by the National Co-Investigating Judge on 28 November 2018 in Case 003.
The Pre-Trial Chamber has decided that a hearing will be held in Case 003 to hear the arguments of the Parties before it issues its decision on the Appeals. According to a scheduling order issued today, the hearing will take place on 27, 28 and 29 November 2019.
A public version of the scheduling order is available at:
The National Co-Prosecutor, the International Co-Prosecutor, and the National and International Co-Lawyers for the Charged Person will be given the floor to present their arguments. The Charged Person, if present, shall be given the opportunity to make a personal statement at the end of the hearing.
Once the hearing is concluded, the Pre-Trial Chamber will adjourn to deliberate on its decision.
The Pre-Trial Chamber of the ECCC comprises three National and two International Judges. As the Appellate Chamber, it can hear motions and appeals against orders and decisions issued by the Co-Investigating Judges.
The hearing will be held in public for the Introduction, the Report on the case by the bench and the Questions by the Judges to the Parties. The rest of the hearing will be in camera. Official photos will be available to the media after the hearing.