Students: Participation in ECCC study tours is important to help young people better understand their history


Thai Vityea, one among the 150 grade 12 students of HUN Seng Peam Chikong high school in Kong Meas district, Kampong Cham province, participated in the ECCC outreach study too, May 18, 2023, to Win Win memorial, Toul Sleng Genocide Museum and Cheoung Ek Genocide Center.

"For me personally, this visit is important because in these three places, as a Cambodian, I must know about our history and pass it on to our next descendants.” Vithya added that he really gained a lot of knowledge from participating in this visit program because he could see and listened carefully to the instructions and explanations of relevant officials at each location.

Ms. Phorn Kanha also said similarly, "The visit is important because it helps to give us a lot of knowledge and we also know what happened to Cambodia before." She added that she gained more and more knowledge about the history related to the Democratic Kampuchea regime when she came to participate in the study tour today by seeing the actual pictures and listened to the presentation at each location.

Not much different view, Try Chantho also stated that "(This visit) is important because it makes us know the history more clearly and we are Khmer children if we do not know our history it is as if we are not Khmer children ... because we are Cambodians, we need to know the reasons for our history so that our neighbours know that Cambodians know our history.

All the above students also requested the Khmer Rouge tribunal to continue to organize this study tour program for other Cambodians so that they can come and see and understand the history of Cambodia.

The students, participation in the ECCC study tour program today, received a wealth information and knowledge through visiting the Win Win Memorial, Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, Choeung Ek Genocide Center, and a presentation on the legacy and trials on the former senior leaders of the brutal Khmer Rouge regime.

The purpose of this study tour program is to encourage young people to better understand and remember the tragedy of the Cambodian people under the Khmer Rouge regime and the trials of crimes committed during the brutal regime and to participate in preventing the return of such atrocities. From 2009 to 2023, more than half a million national and international public participated in the outreach study tour programs under the coordination of the Public Affairs Section of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal.






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