Internal Rule 80 bis

<div><b>Rule 80 bis. Initial Hearing&nbsp;</b></div><div><b></b><i>(Adopted on 1 February 2008 and amended on 5 September 2008, 9 February 2010 and 17 September 2010)</i></div><div>1.<span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"> </span>The trial begins with an initial hearing. The President shall declare the initial hearing open.</div><div>2. At this hearing, the Chamber shall consider the lists of potential witnesses and experts submitted by the parties in accordance with these IRs. Where the Chamber considers that the hearing of a proposed witness or expert would not be conducive to the good administration of justice, it shall reject the request that such person be summoned.</div><div>3.<span class="Apple-tab-span" style="white-space:pre"> </span>The Chamber shall consider matters dealt with in Rule 89.</div><div>4. The Trial Chamber may direct the Lead Co-Lawyers, within a deadline determined by the Chamber, to provide initial specification of the substance of the awards they intend to seek within the final claim for collective and moral reparation pursuant to Rule 23quinquies (3)(b). At a later stage, the Chamber will determine the date by which the Lead Co-Lawyers shall file the final claim for collective and moral reparation.</div><div>5. The final claim for collective and moral reparation may deviate from the initial specification where necessary, but shall in any case specify both the substance and the mode of implementation of each award.</div>