Battambang - Forty-five focal persons of Civil Parties in case 002/02 were coordinated to participate in a meeting in Battambang province on 15 December 2023 to get the updates on the judicial results of case 002 and the ECCC’s work related to activities to support victims during residual phase. After the meeting, they are expected to impart key messages and deliver materials to other civil parties living in their areas.
Mr. Hang Vannak, Chief of Victims Support Section (VSS) gave a welcoming and opening remark during the first session. He welcomed the focal persons and appreciated their continuous support for coordinating Civil Parties to take part in the events organized by the ECCC and VSS and delivering materials and key messages to other Civil Parties living in their areas.
Mr. Pich Ang, National Lead Co-Lawyer and Civil Party Lawyers spoke about victims’ direct participation in the ECCC, and their rights to assert reparations and testify against perpetrators in the court’s room, which is a distinct characteristic different from other international tribunals.
Civil Party Lawyers, including Mr. Ven Pov, Ms. Chet Vanly, and Ms. Ty Srinna carried-out presentations on crimes investigated and heard in case 002, and decisions and punishments rendered in the end of judicial process, reparations awarded in case 002, and ECCC’s activities being carried out during the residual phase.
The VSS gave presentations on the methodologies about the effective delivery of messages and materials to old Civil Parties and asked the focal persons to return the lists proving the receipt of documents to the VSS within two weeks. Before leaving the meeting, they expressed thanks to the ECCC/VSS for organizing the meeting to give the updates on the ECCC’s work and committed to execute the entrusted tasks soon.
At the end, the focal persons have been provided with cards for recognizing their good work and support provided to the ECCC/VSS, especially with relation to helping other Civil Parties partake in the ECCC’s activities.
The focal persons gathered in the meeting are from the provinces of Battambang, Pursat, Kampong Chhnang, Pailin, Siem Reap, Udor Meanchhey, and Banteay Meanchhey.