Latest Activities

Chief of Public Affairs attends the plenary session for the adoption of the draft Internal Rules.
Signing ceremony between Managing Director of TPO, Dr. Chhim Sotheara and Director of Administration, HE Sean Visoth with participating from judges and senior staff from ECCC and TPO.
51villagers from Svay Rieng province organized by CSD and 6 students from University of San Francisco visit ECCC and they are briefed by Press Officer and representative from Defence Support Section.
10 students from Johns Hopkins University, USA visit ECCC and are briefed by Public Affairs Officer and representatives from the Office of the Co-Prosecutors, Co-Investigating Judges and Defence Support Section.
Maria Rita Hasugian, Journalist from Indonesian Tempo Inti Media interviews Co-Prosecutor Chea Leang.
Chief of Public Affairs participates in 5th Asia-Europe Roundtable on “Sustaining the Peace through Post-Conflict Reconstruction” at the Asia-Europe Foundation Office, Singapore, presenting a paper on transitional justice.
Press Officer speaks on ADHOC Radio Program, FM 105 about ECCC developments and answers calls from people throughout Cambodia.
Enh André Anderson, Danish Institute for Human Rights, meets Public Affairs Officer to learn about ECCC developments.
Third tour of 67 visitors from Khmer Youth Association visit ECCC and they are briefed by Press Officer, Outreach Officer, and representatives from Office of Co-Prosecutors, Office of Co-Investigating Judges, and Defence Support Section.
Public Affairs Officer provides media strategy briefing to students of Department of Media Communications and the Cambodian Communication Institute.
Press Officer and TV/Radio Monitor attend the meeting which organised by Open Forum and CSD at World Visions Phnom Penh office.
Second tour of 50 visitors from Khmer Youth Association visit ECCC and they are introduced and briefed by Chief of Public Affairs, Outreach Officer and representatives from Office of Co-Prosectors, Office of Co-Investigating Judges and Defence Support Section.
Public Affairs Officer attends the NGO coordination meeting in Phnom Penh Hotel.
Stephanie Scawen, Associate Programme Editor and her TV crew films Co-Investigating Judge Marcel Lemonde, Co-Prosecutor Robert Petit, Chief of Defence Support Section Rupert Skilbeck and Chief of Public Affairs.
Kei Kinai, Producer for NHK TV (General Bureau for Asia) interviews Chief of Public Affairs and Public Affairs Officer.
50 visitors for Khmer Youth Association visit ECCC and are welcomed by Press Officer.
Ben Knapen, South-East Asia Correspondent for NRC Handelsblad interviews Chief of Public Affairs about ECCC developments.
Maria Rita Hasugian, Journalist from Indonesian Tempo Inti Media interviews Press Officer.
Sherry Groff and Theo Sitter from Mennonite Central Committee meet Public Affairs Officer.
International Co-Prosecutor Robert Petit, Co-Investigating Judge Marcel Lemonde, Deputy Co-prosecutor Yet Chakriya and Press Officer attend open forum at Modulkiri province organised by the Center for Social Development.
Internews team Mike Fowler, Phan Ana and Moeung Chanarith and Thierry Cruvellier, International Justice Tribune Editor meet Chief of Public Affairs and Public Affairs Officer.
Rory Byrne VOA Reporter interviews Chief of Public Affairs.
Australian Paliamentary Delegation led by the Hon Judy Moylan MP and the new Australian Ambassador Margaret Adamson meet Director of Administration, HE Sean Visoth and Deputy Director of Administration, Michelle Lee, Legal Officers Bun Youdy and Giovanni Bassu and Chief of Public Affairs.
Melanie Klinkner, Phd Research Student from Bournemouth University interviews International Co-Prosecutor Robert Petit, Co-Investigating Judge Marcel Lemonde, Co-Investigating Judge You Bunleng and Chief of Public Affairs (on 24 April) about the role of forensic science in the ECCC.
50 people from Mondulkiri province visit ECCC, organised by Center for Social Development (Press Officer).
