Latest Activities

Director of Administration, HE Sean Visoth and staff from Public Affairs attend the CSD national conference Le Royal Hotel
National Radio invites Press Officer to answer incoming calls about ECCC developments
ECCC organized the fourth Colloquium of International Prosecutors with participation from ICTR, ICTY, the International Criminal Court and the Special Court of Sierra Leone
Chief of Public Affairs speaks at the opening of training course for 30 judicial police organized by Khmer Institute for Democracy
CSD radio program talks about victim participation at the ECCC
British Ambassador HE Mr. David Reader and delegation from IPU British Group meet Director of Administration, HE Sean Visoth, Deputy Director of Administration, Michelle Lee, Co-Prosecutors Chea Leang and Robert Petit, Co-Investigating Judges You Bunleng and Marcel Lemonde and other senior staff of the ECCC
18 journalists trained by Internews visit ECCC and they are briefed by Pre-Trial Chamber Judges Prak Kimsan and Rowan Downing, Chief of Public Affairs and Press Officer
Girl Guides Association for Cambodia organises a tour for 56 visitors from Kampot to ECCC and they are welcomed by Public Affairs Section
Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee delegation meets ECCC Senior Officials, including Deputy Director of Administration, Michelle Lee, Legal Officers Bun Youdy and Giovanni Bassu, Chief of Public Affairs
Mr. Milbert Shin, United States State Department Office of War Crimes Issues meets Public Affairs Officer and Press Officer
Rob Lemkin, Old Street Films, meets Public Affairs Officer to discuss his film project at ECCC
A group of 89 visitors from Khmer Youth Association visit ECCC and they are briefed by Press Officer
French TV journalists meet Public Affairs Officer and Co-Investigating Judge Marcel Lemonde
A group of organizations from ADHOC, CDP, LAC, CSD, KID and CHRAC meet Co-Prosecutors Chea Leang and Robert Petit, Co-Investigating Judge Marcel Lemonde and Judicial Officers to discuss plans for assisting victim participation in the ECCC
Press Officer speaks at the opening ceremony of Citizen Advisors at the Khmer Institute of Democracy
The second tour of 89 people from Khmer Youth Association visit ECCC
80 visitors from Khmer Youth Association visit the ECCC
Dr. Helen Jarvis, Chief of Public Affairs Section, and Mao Vutha, Media Monitor, attend Public Forum of CSD at Battambang Province.
Press Officer speaks at the opening ceremony of Citizen Advisors at the Khmer Institute of Democracy
Press Officer, Reach Sambath,meets Head of Health Net and Radio Free Asia
Arte Télévision journalist Michel DUMONT and cameraman Eric BERGERON interview Co-Investigating Judge Marcel Lemonde.
Swedish Ambassador for Human Rights, Jan Nordlander, and Spanish Ambassador meet Director of Administration, H.E Sean Visoth, Chief of Public Affairs, Dr. Helen Jarvis, and Public Affairs Officer, Peter Foster.
Organized by CSD, 50 villagers from Battambang visit the ECCC
Public Affairs officer,Peter Foster, participates in NGO Meeting
CTN invites Press Officer, Reach Sambath, to speak on the CTN Sunday Talk show
