News Articles

About 150 Cambodian Muslim Female Students from Institute of Integrated Tahfiz Cambodia Participate in the ECCC’ Outreach Study Tour Program

About 150 Cambodian Muslim female students from Institute of Integrated Tahfiz Cambodia

CUS Students Visit ECCC Resource Centre

A group of 22 law students from Cambodian University for Specialties (CUS) of Phnom Penh branch on 4 March 2024 visited the Resource Centre of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Co

ECCC Managements Welcome the Visit of Ukrainian Ambassador

The managements of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) on 5 March 2024 welcomed the visit of H.E. Mr.

ECCC Welcomes the Visit of Students from Lycée Français René Descartes

The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) on 4 March 2024 welcomed the visit of 16 high school students, and two lecturers from

AUPP Students Conducted a Study Tour at the ECCC Resource Center

12 students who are taking a course on “Genocide Studies” at the American University of Phnom Penh (AUPP) on 29 February 2024 conducted a study tour at the ECCC Resource Centre to

ECCC Produces Educational Material of Civil Party Statements

The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) is producing educational material of civil party statements made b

ECCC Managements Welcome the Visit of Timor-Leste’s g7+ Intergovernmental Organization

The managements of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) on 28 February 2024 welcomed the visit of a delegation of Timor-Leste’s

About 280 students from Hun Sen Chak Angrae High School Participate in the ECCC’ Outreach Study Tour Program

About 280 students from Hun Sen Chak Angrae high school participated in the outreach study tour organized by the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia

90 Students from Chak Angrae Hun Sen High School visit ECCC Resource Centre to Learn ECCC’s Residual Works

About 90 students and teachers from Chak Angrae Hun Sen high school, in Phnom Penh visited to the ECCC Resource Centre on 23 February 2024 to learn about ECCC's

ECCC Supreme Court Chamber Return of Documents to Toul Sleng Museum

Phnom Penh, Cambodia – The Supreme Court Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) on 22 February

Japanese Students visit ECCC Resource Centre to Learn ECCC’s Residual Works

09 Japanese students and a professor from Chuo University, Japan visited to the ECCC Resource Centre on 22 February 2024 to learn about ECCC's mission and activities in the residu

ECCC Co-hosted the Benchmarking Training on Reconciliation and Peacebuilding for Timor-Leste Delegation

Phnom Penh, Cambodia – The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) on 21 February 2024 co-hosted the benchmark

About 200 Muslim students from Kampot Province Participate in the ECCC’ Outreach Study Tour Program

About 200 Muslim students from Kampot Province participated in the outreach study tour organized by the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) o

ECCC Co-hosted the Final Rounds of Moot Court Competition on The Right to a Fair Trial

On 18 February 2024, the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) co-hosted the final rounds of moot court competition on the right to a fair trial

250 students from Plytechnnic institute of Kampong Speu Participate in the ECCC’ Outreach Study Tour Program

About 250 students from Plytechnnic institute of Kampong Speu participated in the outreach study tour organized by the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) on 14 February 2024 to learn about the ECCC trials and legacy, the Cambodian history in Win-Win Memorial and Cheong Ek Genocide Centre.

Notification of Civil Parties Continues in Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh - The Victims Support Section (VSS) and Civil Party Lawyers have made trips to various places in Phnom Penh to notify Civil Parties about the final jud

About 250 students from Heng Samrin Tbong Khmom University Participate in the ECCC’ Outreach Study Tour Program

About 250 students from Heng Samrin Tbong Khmom University in Tbong Khmom p

About 300 students from Hun Sen Kroul Ko High School Participate in the ECCC’ Outreach Study Tour Program

About 300 students from Hun Sen Kroul Ko high school in Svay Chrum district

ECCC Launches the Mobile Bus, the Extension of Its Resource Centre

Phnom Penh, Cambodia – The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) on 31 January 2024 launched the ECCC Mobile

ECCC Signs MoU with Royal University of Phnom Penh

A signing ceremony on a memorandum of understanding between the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC),

About 150 students from Hun Sen Koh Thom High School Participate in the ECCC’ Outreach Study Tour Program

About 150 students from Hun Sen Koh Thom high school in​

About 180 students from Hun Sen Kroul Ko High School Participate in the ECCC’ Outreach Study Tour Program

About 180 students from Hun Sen Kroul Ko high school in Svay Chrum district

ECCC and GIZ SAUP Conducted Introduction Meeting

The Extraordinary Chambers of the Court of Cambodia (ECCC) and the GIZ’s Southeast Asian University Partnership for Peac

ECCC Managements Welcome the Visit of H.E. Lam Chea, Minister of the State Secretariat of Border Affairs

The managements of the Extraordinary Chambers of the Court of Cambodia (ECCC) including H.E.
