News Articles

About 200 villagers from Pursat Province visit ECCC

About 200 villagers from Kondeang district, Pursat province visit the Extraordinary Chambers in the Court of Cambodia (ECCC) on 25 January 2018.

253 Students from Tbong Khmom Visit ECCC

253 students and teachers from HUN SEN Praek Achi High School, Krouch Chhmar District, Tbong Khmom province visit the Extraordinary Chambers in the Court of Cambodia (ECCC)

65 Cambodian Officers from Ministry of Justice visit ECCC

65 Officers from Ministry of Justice in Cambodia who are working in Cambodian courts in some provinces visit ECCC on 22 January, 2018 for learning the roles of administrativ

About 450 Students from Prey Veng Province and Singapore Visit ECCC

376 students and teachers from Nhem Vann Da Pearang High School, Pearang District, Prey Veng province and 45 students of French school of Singapore from Singapore visi

340 Students from Takeo Province Visit ECCC

About 340 students and teachers from Heng Samrin Prey Lvea High School, Prey Kabas District, Takeo province visit the Extraordinary Chambers in the Court of Cambodia (

Pre-Trial Chamber Concludes Two Days Hearings In Case 004/01

Today, the Pre-Trial Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia concluded two days of hearings in Case 004/01 against Im Chaem.

Statement by the National Co-Prosecutor on Case 003

On 14 November 2017 the Co-Prosecutors filed their Final Submissions in Case 003, concerning the investigation of Meas Muth.

Statement by the International Co-Prosecutor on Case 003

On 14 November 2017, the International and National Co-Prosecutors filed their Final Submissions in Case 003 concerning the investigation of Meas Muth.

Pre-Trial Chamber to hear arguments of parties in Case 004/01

The Pre-Trial Chamber is seised of an appeal filed by the international co-prosecutor against the Closing Order in case 004/01 issued by the Office of the Co-Investigating Judges on 22 February and

Mobile Exhibition on “Forced Marriage during the Khmer Rouge Regime” and Intergenerational Dialogue

Victims Support Section will conduct a Mobile Exhibition on “Forced Marriage during the Khmer Rouge Regime” and Intergenerational Dialogue on 13 - 14 September 2017, from 9:00 am - 7:00 pm, at Take

Statement by the Office of the Co-Prosecutors on Case 004/02

The ECCC’s Internal Rules provide that while the Co-Prosecutors’ Final Submission(s) must be filed confidentially, the Co-Prosecutors may release to the public an objective summary of their submiss

Co-Investigating Judges Issue Decision On The Impact Of The Funding Situation On Cases 003,004 And 004/02

Today, the Co-Investigating Judges issued their decision on the request for submissions filed on 5 May 2017, regarding a potential stay of proceedings due to the funding situation at the ECCC.

Japan makes a new contribution to the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia

The Government of Japan has announced a new contribution of US$1,221,818 to the international component of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) for the fiscal yea

Forwarding Order For Final Submissions Issued In Case 003

The International Co-Investigating Judge issued a forwarding order under Internal Rule 66(4) requesting the Co-Prosecutors to file their f

Co-Investigating Judges Issue Reasons For Dissmissal of Case 004/01

The Co-Investigating Judges issued the reasons for the closing order of 22 February 2017 in which they dismissed the case against Im Chaem for lack of personal jurisdiction.

Closing Statements in Case 002/02 Conclude

On 23 June 2017, the Trial Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) concluded nine days of closing statements in Case 002/02 against Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan.

Clarification: Incorrect reporting about the outcome of cases 003, 004 and 004/02

The Co-Investigating Judges have informed Public Affairs Section that they note with concern the inaccurate reporting or opinions expressed in some media about the potential outcome of cases 003 (M

Judicial investigation against Yim Tith concluded

The Co-Investigating Judges today notified all parties in Cases 004, 004/01 and 004/02 that they consider the judicial investigation against Yim Tith in Case 004 to be concluded.

Media Alert: Closing Statements in Case 002/02

The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) would like to invite both national and international media representatives to cover the upcoming Closing Statements in Case 002/02 agains

Forwarding Order For Final Submissions Issued In Case 004/02 (Ao An)

On 19 May 2017, the Co-Investigating Judges issued a forwarding order under Internal Rule 66(4) requesting the Co-Prosecutors to file their final submission in Case 004/02.

Statement by the Co-Investigating Judges on the Article in the Phnom Penh Post

The Co-Investigating Judges have taken note of the above-mentioned article and have decided to inform the public directly in order to avoid speculations based on inaccurate

Trial Chamber Grants One More Week For The Filing Of Closing Briefs And Sets A New Schedule For Closing Arguments In Case 002/02

The Trial Chamber has granted in part requests by the parties to extend the deadline for the submission of Closing Briefs in Case 002/02 against KHIEU Samphan and NUON Chea

Fundraising Meeting on Case 002/02 Reparations

The Victims Support Section (VSS), the Civil Party Lead Co-Lawyers (LCLs), and the Civil Party Lawyers of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) have consulted with

Press Release: Trial Chamber Reduces Scope of Case 002

On 27 February 2017, the Trial Chamber reduced the scope of Case 002 against KHIEU Samphan and NUON Chea by excluding all facts set out in the Closing Order which were not included in Case 002/01 o
