News Articles

Trial Chamber issues reasoned decision on Case 002 severance

Today, the Trial Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) issued its reasoned decision on the severance of Case 002. This follows the oral announcement of the severance decision on 29 March 2013, enabling the trial to resume on 8 April, pending delivery of the written decision. 

The Court Report April 2013 Issued

The April Court Report features the death of Ieng Sary and the subsequent termination of proceedings against him. It also discusses a temporary solution to the court’s recent financial difficultie, and reports on outreach activities undertaken by both the ECCC and its NGO partners, with a focus on the Reparations and Non-judicial Measures Programme.

Co-Prosecutors submit report on the passing of Ieng Sary

The Co-Prosecutors of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (“the ECCC”) have now completed their investigation and report into the death of Ieng Sary.  The Co-Prosecutors have concluded that Ieng Sary’s death, on 14 March 2013 in the Khmer Soviet Hospital, was from natural causes.  The full report was transmitted today to the Acting Director of Administration and the Deputy Director of Administration.

Case 002 severed and Nuon Chea found fit to stand trial

In two oral decisions announced on 29 March 2013, the Trial Chamber concluded that that Nuon Chea is fit to stand trial, and that Case 002 will be severed. The Trial Chamber announced that the subject matter for Case 002/01 will be the charges in the Closing Order related to:

Trial Chamber to Pronounce Oral Decisions on Nuon Chea's Fitness to Stand Trial and Case 002 Severance on 29 March 2013

The Trial Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) will pronounce oral decisions on Nuon Chea’s fitness to stand trial and Case 002 severance on Friday 29 March 2013 at 09:00 in the main courtroom. The Chamber will also announce the date upon which the hearing of evidence in Case 002 will resume, subject to the availability of essential national staff.Media representatives seeking access to the public gallery or the media room should bring their ECCC Accreditation Cards.

Norway makes a new pledge of NOK 6,000,000

The Government of the Norway has pledged a new contribution of NOK 6,000,000 (approximately US$ 1 million) to the international component of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).“We would like to express our sincere gratitude for the Government of Norway’s decision to continue to support the ECCC with another generous financial contribution”, Acting Director of the Office of Administration HE KRANH Tony and Deputy Director Knut Rosandhaug said in a statement.

Live streaming of court hearings now available

The ECCC is now offering live video streaming of all public hearings in Case 002 on this website. The streaming is available in English, Khmer and French.

The Court Report March 2013

The March Court Report begins with stories on the recently endorsed budget for 2013 and related financial topics. The latest issue also discusses the Supreme Court Chamber’s decision on the severance of Case 002 and the Co-Investigating Judges' announcement on the status of Case 003. The March report includes a summary of the trial proceedings in February and outreach activities undertaken by the ECCC and its NGO partners. The judicial updates and court decisions from the month of February are also featured in this month's report. 

Accused Person Ieng Sary Dies

The following statement was issued by the ECCC Office of Administration regarding the the passing of Ieng Sary:It is with regret the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) announces the death of the accused person Ieng Sary. Mr. Ieng died at the Khmer Soviet Friendship Hospital this morning after having been hospitalized since 4 March 2013.  In accordance with the ECCC Internal Rule 32 bis, the Co-Prosecutors will determine the cause of death after relevant enquiries. The Co-Prosecutors will issue a written report on their findings in due course.

United Kingdom announces new pledge of £ 1,400,000

The Government of the United Kingdom has made a pledge for a new contribution of  £ 1,400,000 (approximately US$ 2.2 million) to the international component of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia  (ECCC).

Statement by the Co-Investigating Judges regarding Case 003

The Office of the Co-Investigating Judges was seised of the Co-Prosecutor’s Second Introductory Submission in Case 003 dated 20 November 2008 from the Office of Co-Prosecutors (“OCP”) on 7 September 2009.

Revised ECCC budget for 2012-2013 published

The revised budget for the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) for the period 2012-2013 has been endorsed by the Group of Interested States, and is now available on the ECCC website.The revision reduces the ECCC budget for 2012-2013 with US$ 15.1 million. The revised budget amounts to US$ 69.6 in total with the following breakdown (all figures are exclusive contingency):

Case 002 information about the coming weeks

Following the hearings on 18, 20 and 21 February the Trial Chamber has informed the parties about two upcoming expert testimonies and the way forward as follows:

The Court Report February 2013

The February Court Report presents an overview of the court’s outreach efforts in 2012. It also describes Japan’s most recent donation to the court and the situation with the unpaid national staff. The report includes articles on the hospitalisation of two accused, changes in the defence and civil parties, and various visits to the court made in January. A summary of witnesses and civil parties who testified before the court in January is detailed. The February Court Report's Outreach Section includes articles on studies on ethnic Vietnamese and victim participation.

Supreme Court Chamber renders decision on appeal against scope of Case 002/01

On 8 February 2013, the Supreme Court Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) rendered its decision on an immediate appeal by the Co-Prosecutors against a decision of the Trial Chamber denying, in part, to expand the scope of the first trial in Case 002.

The Court Report January 2013

The January Court Report describes the public announcement of additional crimes sites under investigation in Case 004 and the Supreme Court Chamber's decision to place Ieng Thirith under judicial supervision. The report includes the appointment of the Supreme Court Judge and the new reserve judge as well as the UK’s pledge of £600,000 to the court.

Japan contributes US$ 2.5 million to ECCC budget

The Japanese Embassy in Phnom Penh, on 17 January 2013, announced a contribution of US $ 2.5 million from the Government of Japan to the international side of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia.Japan is the largest donor to the ECCC having contributed a total of US$78.7 million (US$62.6 million to the international and US$16.1 million to the national side) since the start of the court in 2006. It represents about 44 percent of the entire donor contributions to the ECCC’s budget.

Statistics for Case 002/1

Below you will find updated statistics about the number of witnesses, trial days and public attendance in the first trial against Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary and Nuon Chea. The numbers are updated as of 31 December 2012.  

Appointment of international judges in the Supreme Court Chamber

Judge Florence Ndepele Mwachande Mumba of Zambia has been appointed as the sitting judge of the Supreme Court Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia by the Supreme Council of the Magistracy of Cambodia upon nomination by the Secretary-General of the United Nations. She replaces former judge Motoo Noguchi who resigned in July 2012. Judge Mumba has been serving as the reserve judge of the Supreme Court Chamber until this appointment.

Notice to the public on confidentiality

The ECCC regrets that some confidential information was once posted on the website as an attachment of the Nuon Chea defence team’s appeal submission (Immediate Appeal Against Trial Chamber Decision on Application for Immediate Action Pursuant to Rule 35). The attachment was mislabeled and was accidentally uploaded, but has been removed from the website. The public and media are requested to respect the confidentiality of the proceedings under investigation. Anyone publishing information from this mislabeled document could be subject to proceedings of the ECCC.

Community workshop on the Khmer Rouge Trials and justice in the Kompong Thom province

Nearly 100 local representatives, villagers and students learned about the work of the ECCC while participating in the Community Workshop on the Khmer Rouge Trials and Justice in the Kompong Thom province on the 19 December 2012. The event was organized by Radio FM 102’s Women’s Media Center and focused on national reconciliation.

Statement by Acting Director of the Office of Administration related to lack of cash flow to pay the ECCC’s national side’s staff salary for the month of December 2012 and budget situation for 2013

H.E. Kranh Tony, Acting Director of the Office of Administration of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, met with all of the court’s national officers and staff on Friday, 21 December 2012, to report on the latest ECCC developments. In the meeting, he informed them that there would be lack of cash flow to pay the national staff, ranging from drivers to prosecutors and judges.

Statement by the international Co-Investigating Judge regarding additional crime sites in Case File 004

The Office of the Co-Investigating Judges has been seised of a Supplementary Submission regarding additional investigations in Case File 004. A number of crime sites under investigation in Case File 004 have yet to be made public. Pursuant to Internal Rule 21(1)(c), the International Co-Investigating Judge wishes to issue the following information about those sites:ADDITIONAL SITES IN CASE FILE 004A) BATTAMBANG PROVINCE

Tentative schedule of Case 002 hearing for 2013

The Trial Chamber has announced a tentative schedule of Case 002 trial hearings for 2013. The chamber will reconvene on 8 January after a two-week recess, and will sit for alternating periods of three and four days per week until further notice. •&nbsp;Week of 8 January: Tuesday 8th – Friday 11th (4 days)•&nbsp;Week of 14 January: Monday 14th – Wednesday 16th (3 days) In addition, three judicial recesses are now scheduled for the first half year of 2013: •&nbsp;Monday 25 February – Friday 1 March 2013<


The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia appreciates that the Government of the United Kingdom has pledged a new contribution of £600,000 (approximately US$ 1 million) to the international component of the ECCC.The UK’s Foreign Secretary William Hague announced the voluntary contribution in a statement issued on 13 December, saying that the new pledge would help secure accountability for some of the most horrific crimes against humanity in a recent history.
