Latest Activities

National and International Co-Prosecutors and Representatives from the Defence Support Section and Public Affairs attend CSD Public Forum at Banlung, capital of Rattanakiri province
50 people from Stoeung Treng and Rattanakiri (organised by CSD), plus 45 students from different universities in Phnom Penh visit the ECCC where they are briefed by Press Officer, and representatives form the Defence Support Section, the Office of the Co-Prosecutors and the Office of the Co-Investigating Judges
Press Officer participates in opening of KID Citizens’ Advisor Workshop
Chief of Public Affairs attends launching of the book “Dancing in shadows” by former Benny Widyono, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Cambodia, at University of Cambodia
Rob Sharp from The Independent newspaper visits ECCC and interviews the international Co-Prosecutor, the Head of Defence Support Section and the Chief of Public Affairs
A group of 25 people from Rotary Peace and Conflict Studies Center at Chulalongkorn University visit ECCC and they are briefed by Public Affairs Officer
Guido Spring from Radio Netherlands interviews Chief of Public Affairs
32 KID citizen advisors visit ECCC and they are briefed by Chief of Victim Unit, and Witness Expert and Outreach Assistant
Public Affairs Officer participates in opening of KID Citizens’ Advisor Workshop
Co-Prosecutor Robert Petit, David Boyle from the Office of the Co-Investigating Judges and Chief of Public Affairs speak on a panel together with Hisham Mousar from ADHOC on the topic of the “Khmer Rouge legacy- Genocide, Justice and the Khmer Rouge Trubunal” in cooperation with Meta House, and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Deputy Co-Prosecutor, Senior Assistant Prosecutor, Senior Judicial Coordinator of the OCIJ and Press Officer attend the CSD Public Forum at Otdar Meanchey province
Dan Southerland, Vice President of RFA, Jay Henderson, Director of East Asia and Pacific Division of VOA, Manilene Erika Kinetz, Mulit-Channel Producer of VOA visit and are briefed by Public Affairs Officer
Joanna Harrington, Legal Officer of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada and F.X. Ernest Loignon Chargé d’affaires, Embassy of Canada visit ECCC and they were briefed by Public Affairs Officer and the senior staff in the ECCC Administration, including the Director and Deputy Director
50 villagers from Otdar Meanchey visit ECCC and they are welcomed by Press Officer
Co-Investigating Judges, Marcel Lemonde is interviewed by Philippe Decaux, German TV
Outreach Assistant and Administration Assistant conduct outreach activities in the northwest of Cambodia, visiting Malai, Sampov Lun, Phnom Proek, Kamrieng, and Samlot districts to meet all district governors or their representatives to inform them about the ECCC mandate and the work of the OCIJ, and to seek their cooperation
Chief of Public Affairs meets Representative from International Federation ofr Human Rights (FIDH)
Press Officer is interviewed live with Radio Free Asia
Chief of Public Affairs has a meeting at UNDP
Outreach Team from Public Affairs Section conducts the outreach activities in Kampong Speu and Kandal provinces
Expatriate Advisory Services for electronic newsletter interviews Chief of Public Affairs
Press Officer is interviewed by Kyodo News
Ms Aiko Doden, of NHK Japan, visits ECCC, attends public hearing and interviews Chief of Public Affairs
Public Affairs Officer attends United Nations Country Team meeting
Delegation of European Parliament for relations with ASEAN, led by Mr Hartmut Nassauer, visits ECCC and meets Public Affairs Officer and various judicial and legal officers of the court and the Defence Support Section
