Latest Activities

Apsara TV interviews Press Officer relating to recent developments of the ECCC
600 peace marchers ( nuns, monks, Muslim leaders, students and others) come to the ECCC in support of justice for victims, reconciliation and peace. They are welcomed by Press Officer and Anees Ahmed, Assistant Prosecutor.
TVK interviews Press Officer
At the closing ceremony of journalist course at Internews, Press Officer is invited to hand over the certificates
Remi Sulmont, a reporter from Radio Television Broadcasting with 8 trainee journalists meet and briefed by Co-Investigating Judge Marcel Lemonde and Press Officer
Press Officer attends the annual seminar of the Adenauer Foundation in Sihanoukville
Dr. Steven Kim, Head of Int'l Cooperation Team of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Korea and six delegates visit ECCC and briefed by Public Affairs Officer
Anne Poiret, France TV5, interviews Co-Investigating Judge Marcel Lemonde
A group of 40 legal students visit ECCC and they are briefed by representatives of Office of the Co-Prosecutors and Press Officer
Mao Tithiarun Witness/Expert Support lives show on FM 102 to debate the role of Witness Support Unit and answering the call in show from public
Chief of Public Affairs participates in conference on “Prevention of genocide and mass atrocities and the responsibility to protect”, Stellenbosch, South
Newsweek interviews Public Affairs Officer
OSJI meets Public Affairs Officer
BBC interviews Public Affairs Officer
Cyril Payen France TV 24 meets Co-Investigating Judge Marcel Lemonde
Outreach Officer attends NGO coordination meeting at World Vision
Outreach Officer meets Director of DED
Center for Social Development invites Press Officer for meeting at Cambodiana Hotel
Chief of Public Affairs and Public Affairs Officer participate in Judicial Administration Committee
Public Affairs Officer speaks at citizens advisors course at Khmer Institute for Democracy
Deputy of Victim Unit (Gabriella Gonzales Rivas) and Chief of Public Affairs speak on “The Truth” talk show on Radio FM 102
Hello VOA has a live interview with Press Officer
National Radio live interview with Press Officer
Press Officer interviewed by AP TV, Reuters TV, ABC Radio Aust. Australia TV , VOA in English Series, Radio Free Asia and many local media. Chief of Public Affairs interviewed on CNN
Reuters TV interviews Chief of Public Affairs
