Latest Activities

Pre-Trial Chamber public hearing of appeal by Nuon Chea with over 400 Public, NGO, UN and Diplomats attending the process
NGO Seminar on monitoring sponsored by ICTJ and OSJI. Session on the ECCC participated in by Anna Austin of OCIJ and Helen Jarvis, Chief of Public Affairs
Public Affairs Section invite media to apply for permanent accreditation cards to access to the court
14 delegates from the Norway Standing Committee of Justice, Ministry of Justice and Royal Norwegian Embassy tour the ECCC and they are briefed by OCIJ, OCP, DSS and PAS
Rewi Lyall, International Commission of Jurists (Australia) meets Chief of Public Affairs
Sheila Porter, Researcher meets Chief of Public Affairs and Deputy Chief of Victims Unit
DC-Cam legal advisers (John D. Ciorciari and Anne Heindel) and researcher (Norman Pentelovich) visit ECCC and discuss outreach work with Chief of Public Affairs
Judicial Administration Committee meeting
Independent Foundation of Journalists training workshop for journalists has half-day session on ECCC, briefed by Press Officer and representatives of the Office of the Co-Prosecutors (Anees Ahmed), Office of the Co-Investigating Judges (Ben Fleming) and Defence Support Section (Richard Rogers)
Victims Unit invites staff to join information session on reparations briefed by Carla Ferstman, Director of REDRESS, an international NGO based in London
International Co-Prosecutor Robert Petit and Deputy Head of Victims Unit Gabriella Gonzales-Rivas speak to International Journalism Federation training workshop for journalists
Office of the Co-Investigating Judges and Outreach Team organize two day workshop in Pailin to meet and explain about the mission and work of the ECCC to local authorities and villagers
Equity program on TVK interviews David Boyle of OCIJ on the meaning of genocide
James Bair, ECCC Intern is invited to call-in-show of the Truth Program by Radio FM102 to speak about the reparation at the ECCC
US Senate Staff team led by Paul Grove meets the international Co-Prosecutor and the Head of the Defence Support Section
NGO workshop on human rights sponsored by Swedish Embassy addressed by international Legal Officer, Giovanni Bassu
Khmer Institute for Democracy police training workshop on witness protection addressed by Andrea Gros, Outreach Advisor in Victims Unit and Nuon Pharat of OCIJ
Senior Assistant Prosecutor Alex Bates was a guest speaker on Radio FM102 programme "The Truth", in which he discussed issues of sentencing for crimes under the jurisdiction of the ECCC."
Japanese Delegation led by Ihara Junichi, Deputy Director General of Asian Pacific of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan meets Director of Administration, HE Sean Visoth, Deputy Director of Administration, Michelle Lee and Chief of Public Affairs
Equity program of TVK interviews Co-Prosecutor Chea Leang
Cheang Bopha, a reporter of Radio France International interviews Press Officer
Co-Lawyer of Ieng Sary, Ang Udom is invited to call in show of The Truth Program by the Radio FM 102 to talk about his role as defence lawyer
Steven Okazaki, Producer from Farallon Films and the crew meet Chief of Public Affairs and begin shooting films at ECCC
Dr.Catherine O’Connell, Ph.D, Vice President of Academic Affairs/Academic Dean from Defiance College ,guides a group of American faculty and students to visit the ECCC and they are briefed by Press Officer
21 ADHOC facilitators appointed to assist Khmer Rouge victim filing complaints visit ECCC and briefed by OutreachTechnical Staff and a representative from the Victims Unit
