News Articles

Marie Guiraud appointed as new Civil Party Lead Co-Lawyer

Ms. Marie Guiraud of France has been appointed as new international Civil Party Lead Co- Lawyer at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).  Her appointment is effective 1 June 2014.

UN General Assembly approves US$ 15.5 million funding reserve

The United Nations General Assembly has authorized a subvention of US$ 15.5 million to the international component of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).

Contribution from Norway to be directed to the national component of ECCC

The Government of Norway has approved that its recent financial contribution of 6 million NOK (approximately US$ 1 million) can be redirected from the international component to the national component of the ECCC to meet the salary costs of the national staff.

The Court Report for May 2014 issued

The May issue of the Court Report features a focus on the crime sites and factual allegations that will form the basis of the second trial in Case 002 following the Trial Chamber’s severance decision. Stories of the fitness to stand trial of both Accused in Case 002 are also included. The newsletter also carries articles on study tours conducted at the ECCC and the support secured for the reparation projects lead by the Victims Support Section and the Civil Party lead Co-Lawyers, as well as the recent subvention authorized by The United Nations General Assembly.

Khieu Samphan and Nuon Chea found fit to stand trial

In two separate decisions issued on 25 April 2014, the Trial Chamber found that both Khieu Samphan and Nuon Chea are fit to stand trial. The decisions were made after the two accused perssons had been examined  by three appointed medical experts in March 2014. The three experts appointed by the Trial Chamber were Dr. Seena FAZEL (United Kingdom), Dr. CHAN Kin Ming and Dr. HUOT Lina (Cambodia).

International Co-Prosecutor requests investigation of alleged sexual and gender-based violence in Case 004

ECCC Internal Rule 54 requires that any Introductory or Supplemental submission by the Co-Prosecutors shall be confidential but provides that the Co-Prosecutors “may provide the public with an objective summary of the information contained in such submissions.”  Accordingly, taking into consideration the interests, security and privacy of victims and witnesses, the rights of suspects who are entitled to the presumption of innocence, and the requirement of rules that the investigation shall be confidential, the International Co-Prosecutor provides the following information.

Wide ranging support secured for the reparations for victims of the Khmer Rouge

Wide ranging support has been secured for the Civil Parties’ reparation projects requested in Case 002/01 before the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). These reparation projects will benefit victims of the Democratic Kampuchea regime from 1975-1979.

The Court Report for April 2014 issued

The April issue of the Court Report features stories of the approval of the court’s new biennial budget and the Trial Chamber’s denial to postpone the commencement of the second trial in Case 002. The newsletter also carries articles on an outreach initiative by Cambodian youth volunteers and the publication of an annotated version of Cambodia’s criminal procedure law. Judicial updates of each section are also placed. You can download The Court Report from the following link: 

Trial Chamber defines scope for trial in Case 002/02

The Trial Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) has issued a new severance decision which defines which alleged crime sites and factual allegations will be included in the trial in Case 002/02 against Khieu Samphan and Nuon Chea. Charges related to genocide, forced marriages and rape, treatment of Buddhists, internal purges, targeting of former Khmer Republic officials, four security centers, three worksites and one group of adjacent cooperatives will form the basis for Case 002/02.

Norway makes a new pledge of NOK 6 million

The Government of Norway has announced a new pledge of NOK 6 million (approximately US$ 1 million) to the ECCC.  With this latest pledge, the financial assistance provided by Norway to the ECCC exceeds US$ 7 million, and the country has supported the court since its inception.“On behalf the ECCC, we would like to express our sincere appreciation for the generous and continuous support offered by the Government of Norway”, said Acting Director of the Office of Administration HE  KRANH Tony and Deputy Director Knut Rosandhaug in a statement.

Mr. John R.W.D. Jones assigned as foreign Co-Lawyer to represent a suspect in case 004

The Defence Support Section (“DSS”) of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (“ECCC”) has assigned Mr. John R.W.D. Jones QC of the United Kingdom as the foreign Co-Lawyer to represent a Suspect named in the Third Introductory Submission filed by the International Co-Prosecutor to the Office of the Co-Investigating Judges on 7 September 2009. The Third Introductory Submission is part of the Case File in Case 004. The identity of any Suspect named in the Third Introductory Submission remains confidential.

ECCC budget for 2014-2015 published

The budget for the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) for the period 2014-2015 has been endorsed by the Group of Interested States, and is now available on the ECCC website.The total budget amounts to US$ 31.6 million for 2014 and US$ 28.9 million for 2015 with the following breakdown (all figures are inclusive contingency):

The Court Report for March 2014 issued

The March edition of the Court Report carries articles about the examination of the accused’s fitness, judicial considerations on suspect’s access to case file in Case 004 and reparation projects proposed for Case 002/01. As usual, judicial updates of each chamber and judicial office are also featured in this edition. You can download The Court Report from the following link: See the previous issues of The Court Report:

State of Qatar contributes US$ 20,000 to ECCC

The State of Qatar has announced a contribution of US$ 20,000 to the national side of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Court of Cambodia (ECCC). In a letter announcing the new contribution, the Permanent Mission of the State of Qatar to the United Nations expressed that the contribution is made in  response to the appeal made by the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to all member States to come forwards urgently with pledges of financial support to the ECCC.

Meaningful reparation for Khmer Rouge victims

Wide ranging support has been secured for the Civil Parties’ requested reparation projects in Case 002/01, but there remains a funding gap and, consequently, various opportunities still exist for potential donors to engage in the realization of these projects, which will benefit the victims of the Democratic Kampuchea regime from 1975-1979.

Statement by Elisabeth Simonneau-Fort, International Civil Party Lead Co-Lawyer

I would like to inform you that, at the end of May 2014, I will resign from my post at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia  (ECCC). At this stage, I would also like to emphasize that it has been an honour to introduce the Lead Co-Lawyers scheme of Civil Party participation and representation in international justice. I will not take in charge Case 002/02 for personal and professional reasons. During the last months, I have continued to exercise my role as the international Lead Co-Lawyer on behalf of Civil Parties from France and pro bono.

Ms. Suzana Tomanović assigned as foreign Co-Lawyer to represent a suspect in Case 004

The Defence Support Section (“DSS”) of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (“ECCC”) has assigned Ms. Suzana Tomanović as the Foreign Co-Lawyer to represent a Suspect named in the Third Introductory Submission filed by the International Co-Prosecutor to the Office of the Co-Investigating Judges on 7 September 2009. The Third Introductory Submission is part of the Case File in Case 004. The identity of any Suspect named in the Third Introductory Submission remains confidential.

The Court Report for February 2014 issued

The February issue of the Court Report features articles on the visit of a UN high-level delegation reassuring the UN’s support, judicial proposals on the scope of trial in Case 002/02 against Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan, and financial pledges by the governments of Cambodia and the United Kingdom. The latest issue also presents a review of various outreach activities conducted by the ECCC and NGO partners. As usual, a summary of judicial updates is also included. 

Adversarial hearing in advance of Case 002/02 evidentiary hearings to be held on 11 February 2014

The Trial Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) has scheduled an adversarial hearing at 09:00 on Tuesday 11 February 2014, to hear oral arguments on the scope of Case 002/02 and on the Khieu Samphan Defence Team’s request that Case 002/01 should be finally adjudicated before the evidentiary hearing in Case 002/02 commences. Should the hearing not conclude on 11 February 2014 as planned, it will continue on the following day.

UN Legal Counsel and Controller visit ECCC

Addressing to both international staff and their Cambodian counterparts at the Khmer Rouge tribunal on 28 January, visiting Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs Mr. Miguel de Serpa Soares assured that the United Nations is committed to support the tribunal to fight impunity for the Khmer Rouge crimes.

The Court Report for January 2014 issued

The January issue of the Court Report features articles on the recommendation of the Trial Chamber's president not to establish another panel for the second trial in Case 002, the chamber's workplan for the preparation of the second trial and the prosecutors' proposal concerning the second trial's scope. The latest issue also presents a review of the key events of 2013, various outreach activities conducted by the ECCC and NGO partners. As usual, a summary of judicial updates is also included. 

Trial Chamber outlines way forward in Case 002/02

The Trial Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia today issued a memo informing the parties to Case 002 of the next steps in the second phase of that trial. The memo, accompanied by a workplan highlighting the major stages and activities necessary prior to the commencement of the substantive hearing in Case 002/02, follows closely on last week’s decision of the Trial Chamber President not to establish a second panel to hear this phase of the case.

Case 002/02 to be heard by the current Trial Chamber panel

The President of the Trial Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia today issued a memo informing the Director of the Office of Administration that he is not recommending the appointment of a second Trial Chamber panel to hear the remaining charges in the second phase of Case 002.This follows on a recommendation from the Supreme Court Chamber that the President “avail himself of the existing possibilities” to form a second panel to try Case 002/02 with a view to expediting proceedings, which was discussed during last week’s Trial Management Meeting.

Mr. Bit Seanglim and Mr.So Mosseny assigned as defence counsel to represent two suspects in Case 004

The Defence Support Section (“DSS”) of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (“ECCC”) has assigned Mr. Bit Seanglim and, separately, Mr. So Mosseny, as the Cambodian Co-Lawyers to represent two different Suspects named in the Third Introductory Submission submitted by the International Co-Prosecutor to the Office of the Co-Investigating Judges on 7 September 2009. The Third Introductory Submission is part of the Case File in Case 004.The identity of any Suspect named in the Third Introductory Submission remains confidential.

The Court Report for December 2013 issued

The December issue of the Court Report features an article on the Supreme Court Chamber’s decision that claims for a prompt start of the second trial in Case 002 as well as an article on the preparations for the trial management meeting. The latest issue also presents a review of the statistics on the media coverage and public visitors to the ECCC during the closing statements of Case 002/01 in October.This month’s report includes a summary of the judicial updates, court decisions and outreach activities undertaken by the ECCC and its NGO partners in November. 
