News Articles

Civil Parties Attend Hearing of Judgment and Participate in Related Program

With the coordination and assistance of the Victims Support Section, one hundred and fifty Civil Parties attended the Pronouncement of the Appeal Judgement by the Supreme Court Chamber of the ECCC on 22 September 2022.

Khmer Rouge Survivors Have Benefited from the ECCC’s Non-Judicial Measures Scheme

The second phase of the project entitled “Promoting Gender Equality and Improving Access of Justice for Female and Gender-based Violence (GBV

Mobile Exhibition on “Forced Marriage during the Khmer Rouge Regime” and Intergenerational Dialogue

Victims Support Section will conduct a Mobile Exhibition on “Forced Marriage during the Khmer Rouge Regime” and Intergenerational Dialogue on 13 - 14 September 2017, from 9:00 am - 7:00 pm, at Take

Results of Forum on Developments of ECCC’s Proceedings and Reparations in Case 002/02

The Victims Support Section (VSS) successfully conducted a forum on 24 June 2016 with the participation of Civil Parties, Civil Party Lead Co-Lawyers, Civil Party Lawyers, and representatives of the ECCC, the Embassy of Federal Republic of Germany, and national and international organizations.After the opening by H.E. Kranh Tony, Acting Director of the ECCC, and Dr.

Forum on the Developments of ECCC’s Proceedings and Reparations in Case 002/02

The Victims Support Section (VSS) of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) will organize a forum on the developments of ECCC’s proceedings and reparations in Case 002/02 at Tonle Bassac II in Phnom Penh on Friday, 24 June 2016 at 8:00 a.m. The forum will be presided over by H.E Kranh Tony, Acting Director of the ECCC’s Administration, and Dr. Ludgera Klemp, Counsellor and Head of Cooperation of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Phnom Penh.

Radio programme "Women in the Khmer Rouge regime" resumes

The Victims Support Section of the ECCC would like to announce that the radio live show programme ”Women in the Khmer Rouge Regime” has resumed on FM 102 of the Women’s Media Center of Cambodia-WMC (FM 102) since 25 April 2016. The on-air programme is scheduled to run on Monday afternoon of the second week of the month, from 16:10 pm to 17:00 pm; and its two rebroadcasts are done on Saturday of the third and fourth week, from 13:35 pm-14:00 pm. 

Victims Support Section of the ECCC secures funds from UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women

Victims Support Section (VSS) of the ECCC, in cooperation with Transcultural Psychosocial Organization (TPO) will carry out the second-phase of its project entitled “Promoting Gender Equality and Improving Access of Justice for Female and Gender-based Violence (GBV) Survivors of the Khmer Rouge (KR) Regime.” The UNTF/UN Women has provided the VSS/ECCC with a USD 1 million grant to be implemented over the three year duration of the project, commencing January 2016 under the non-judicial measures (NJM) framework of the VSS/ECCC.

Meeting between Civil Parties and Civil Party Lawyers in Case 002

On Monday, 06 October 2014, the Victims Support Section (VSS) of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) will hold a meeting between the Civil Parties and Civil Party Lawyers in Case 002. The meeting will be presided over by H.E. Kranh Tony, Acting Director of the Administration Office of the ECCC, and H.E. Joachim Baron von Marschall, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Cambodia. It is scheduled to take place at Phnom Penh Ecumenical Diakonia Center; located at No. 19-21, St. 330, Sangkat Boeng Keng Kang III, Khan Chamkar Morn, Phnom Penh.

Planning continues for Case 002/02 reparation requests

Having successfully conducted the Stakeholders Consultation on Case 002/02 Reparation last month, the Victims Support Section (VSS) and the Civil Party Lead Co-Lawyers Section (CPLCLS) will host a Civil Parties Consultation on Case 002/02 Reparations, which will take place on 21 July 2014 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Cambodia-Korea Cooperation Centre (CKCC), Royal University of Phnom Penh, Russian Federation Boulevard, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh.

ECCC and Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish a Memorial in Tuol Sleng Museum

The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) and the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts (MoCFA) will sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 10 July 2014 to establish a memorial in Tuol Sleng Museum, in commemoration of the victims who died there during the Khmer Rouge regime from 1975-1979. The ceremony will take place in Tuol Sleng and will be presided over by H.E. Kranh Tony, Acting Director of Administration Office of the ECCC, and His Excellency Chuch Phoeurn, Secretary of State of the MoCFA.

Planning begins for Case 002/02 reparation requests

Having successfully submitted the Civil Parties’ final claim for reparations before the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) in Case 002/01, preparations for the development of reparation requests for the next trial, Case 002/02, are now set to begin.

Wide ranging support secured for the reparations for victims of the Khmer Rouge

Wide ranging support has been secured for the Civil Parties’ reparation projects requested in Case 002/01 before the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). These reparation projects will benefit victims of the Democratic Kampuchea regime from 1975-1979.

Meaningful reparation for Khmer Rouge victims

Wide ranging support has been secured for the Civil Parties’ requested reparation projects in Case 002/01, but there remains a funding gap and, consequently, various opportunities still exist for potential donors to engage in the realization of these projects, which will benefit the victims of the Democratic Kampuchea regime from 1975-1979.

VSS to hold 4th Regional Forum in 2012 for 200 Civil Parties in Case 002 in Preah Sihanouk Province

The Victims Support Section (VSS) of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) is holding its 4th Regional Forum in 2012 for 200 out of 3.864 Civil Parties in Case 002 at Chhne Chulsa Hotel, Sihanouk Province, on Friday, 16 November 2012 at 8:00 a.m. (Civil Parties’ identities are protected).

VSS to hold 3rd Regional Forum in 2012 for 200 Civil Parties in Case 002 in Siem Reap

The Victims Support Section (VSS) of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) is holding its 3rd Regional Forum in 2012 for 200 out of 3864 Civil Parties in Case 002 at Allson Angkor Paradise Hotel, Siem Reap Town, on Saturday, 25 August 2012 at 8:00 a.m. (Civil Parties’ identities are protected).

S-21 survivors first to receive copies of Case 001 Appeal Judgement

Three living survivors of the S-21 prison, Bou Meng, Chum Mey and Norng Chan Phal as well as five Civil Parties received printed copies of the Supreme Court Chamber Appeal Judgement in Case 001 against Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch Friday 18 May 2012 at the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum in Phnom Penh. This marked the start of a campaign where the Public Affairs Section and the Victims Support Section will distribute copies of the Appeal Judgement as well as a compilation of statements of apology made by Kaing Guek Eav during the proceedings to audiences across Cambodia.

VSS to organize 1st Regional Forum in 2012 for 150 Civil Parties in Case 002 in Chba Morn Town, Kampong Speu Province

The Victims Support Section (VSS) of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) is holding its first Regional Forum in 2012 for the 150 Civil Parties of Case 002 at TEA SENGHENG Meeting Room, Chba Morn Town, Kampong Speu Province, Friday, 16 March 16 2012 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. (The identities of the Civil Parties are protected).

ECCC Cooperates with Cambodian Media to Disseminate Compilation of Statements of Apologies

In order to make the compilation of statements of apology and acknowledgments of responsibility made by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch more accessible to the Cambodian public, the ECCC Public Affairs Section has entered into cooperation with several Cambodian newspapers, websites, and radio and TV stations to publish the compilation in full or in summary, free of charge, as a service to their readers and viewers. The distribution of the compilation follows the decision on the appeals in Case 001 pronounced on 3 February 2012, in which the Supreme Court Chamber affirm

Germany Provides €1.2 Million to the Victims Support Section of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC)

The Federal Republic of Germany, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, signed a Letter of Agreement today to provide a further €1.2 Million to the Victims Support Section (VSS) of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) – its fourth donation since the VSS was established in 2008.

9th Regional Forum for 330 Civil Parties in Case 002 Pursat Town

The Victims Support Section (VSS) of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) is holding its 9th Regional Forum for the 330 Civil Parties recently admitted in Case 002. The Civil Parties are from Pursat, Battambang, Bantay Meanchey, Paillin, Kampong Chhnang and Oddar Meanchey provinces.

Victims: We Receive Some Justice by Becoming Civil Parties

“The Pre-Trial Chamber’s decision to grant the appeal on the admissibility of my application as a Civil Party in Case 002 against the four accused persons, is a part of justice for me and my late relatives who lost their life under the Khmer Rouge. The upcoming trials will bring me more justice”, said a Civil Party on the 28 July 2011 while attending a regional forum organized for recently admitted Civil Parties in Case 002 organized by Victim Support Section of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).

Victims Support Section prepares for the ECCC’s second trial

The Victims Support Section (VSS) of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) has begun taking necessary steps in order to prepare for the participation of a large number of victims, in particular Civil Parties, in the upcoming second trial before the Court.

Victims Support Section Convenes Civil Party Forum in Battambang

The Victims Support Section of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) today convened a two-day forum in Battambang for 250 Civil Parties in the ECCC’s Case 002.  These Civil Parties come from across the northwest of the country, including Battambang, Banteay Meanchey and Pursat provinces.

Germany pledges more financial support to maximise victims' participation in KR trials

On June 16, the German government, represented by its implementing agency German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), signed an agreement with the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) pledging an additional 400,000 Euros to the tribunal’s Victims Support Section (VSS) for the continuing improvement of victims’ participation in the Khmer Rouge trials.

Co-Investigating Judges set deadline for supplementary information from Case 002 Civil Party Applicants

In respect of Civil party applicants in Case 002 who have filed applications with the Victims Support Section up to the deadline of 29 January 2009, the Co-Investigating Judges of the ECCC have decided to accept supplementary information from those applicants if they wish to supply it.
