Media Alert: Re-assignment of judges in the Pre-Trial Chamber

Following the nomination by the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, and the approval by the Supreme Council of the Magistracy, His Majesty the King Norodom Sihamoni has appointed Ms. Catherine Marchi-Uhel (France) as new international judge to serve in the Pre-Trial Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). 
Judge Marchi-Uhel, who until this appointment was international reserve judge in the Supreme Court Chamber of the ECCC, replaces Judge Kathinka Lahuis (Netherlands). Judge Lahuis will now serve as international reserve judge of the Pre-Trial Chamber.  Judge Florence Mumba (Zambia) has been appointed as new reserve judge to the Supreme Court Chamber of the ECCC. 
Due to the increase in its workload, the Pre-Trial Chamber of the ECCC will now be sitting full time.
