ECCC to re-launch radio show on KR Tribunal

A weekly radio talk show on the Khmer Rouge tribunal will be back on air on every Thursday from noon to 1 pm, starting from 19 September, on Bayon FM 95 and its sub-stations nationwide. Listeners are invited to call the station to ask questions directly to representatives of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia.

This is a re-launch of the ECCC radio programme on another radio station RNK, which began in November 2011 but was suspended in the beginning of 2013. The renewed radio programme on Bayon follows the same interactive talk show style where guest speakers from the ECCC appear every week to explain the trial proceedings and answer questions that listeners may have.

The show will be live and broadcast on FM 95 and Bayon’s 12 substations which would cover main parts of all the 24 provinces.

Please stay tuned and call the following numbers to ask questions: 015 550 295; 089 731 995; or 023 666 1000.

