Registration for Case 002/01 closing statements

The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) has begun pre-registration for public and media attendance for the Closing Statements in Case 002/01 concerning the accused persons Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan.

The Closing Statements are scheduled to commence on Wednesday 16 October and continue every day except public holidays during the latter half of the month (16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 30 and 31 October) where the parties will make their presentations in the following order:
1)    Statements by Lead Co-Lawyers for Civil Parties (up to 1 day)
2)    Statements by Co-Prosecutors (up to 3 days)
3)    Statements by Nuon Chea’s Defence lawyers/the Accused (up to 2 days)
4)    Statements by Khieu Samphan’s Defence lawyers/the Accused (up to 2 days)
5)    Rebuttal statements by Lead Co-Lawyers and Co-Prosecutors (up to 1 day)
6)    Final statements by Nuon Chea and his lawyers and Khieu Samphan and his lawyers (up to 2 hours per team, total 4 hours)

The daily proceedings will begin at 9 am and end at 4 pm, except on the16th when the proceedings are expected to last until 5 pm, with two short breaks in the morning and afternoon and a lunch break. The gate at the visitor’s entrance will open at 7 am. Visitors are encouraged to arrive by 8 am to leave enough time for security check and ticket issuance. The door of the public gallery will be closed at 8:45 am or when the gallery becomes full.

The ECCC is equipped with a large public gallery with 482 seats. A certain number of seats are reserved for representatives of the media and senior officials from the diplomatic community and the Royal Government of Cambodia. Although seats will be taken at a first come, first serve basis on the day of hearing, groups of more than five people in the general public, senior officials of the government and diplomatic community and media representatives are requested to register in advance to secure seats.

The deadline for pre-registration is Friday 11 October at 4 pm. For registration, call 012 488 156 / 023 861 564 or email to:

All visitors are required to present a photo ID at the gate. No persons under 16 years of age will be admitted to the ECCC and those 16-18 years old will be admitted only with the guardianship of an adult. Visitors shall maintain dignity and proper behaviour at all times and shall wear appropriate clothing. No mobile phones, computers, large bags, food or drink are permitted in the public gallery.

The ECCC is located in Chaom Chau, 16 kilometers from Phnom Penh, on National Road 4. Parking will be provided for visitors with their own vehicles. No public transport is available, but free transport services can be arranged by the ECCC for groups of more than 50 people. Please request when pre-registration is made.


The ECCC is equipped with facilities for the media to cover the proceedings. The Press Room (C105) is available with television monitors and head sets. Audio and video feeds of the court proceedings will be also provided in the Press Room for live feed. The Press Work Room (C108) has a quiet space for working and is equipped with a number of computers with Internet connection. Wi-Fi is also available for the media representatives.

Those who wish to cover the Closing Statements must be accredited and registered in advance.

a)    Valid ECCC media pass holders must request pre-registration;
b)    Expired ECCC media pass holders are required to re-submit a signed Media Accreditation Form and request pre-registration;
c)    Non-ECCC media pass holders must submit a signed Media Accreditation Form, a jpg portrait photo and a copy of passport, together with a request for pre-registration.

Please send emails with necessary information and forms to: The Media Accreditation Form can be downloaded from the ECCC website:

The deadline for registration and accreditation is Friday 11 October at 4 pm.
The ECCC’s Public Affairs Section will hold a Press Briefing on background information on Monday 14 October and an Open House for the media to set up equipment on Tuesday 15 October. Please kindly indicate if you’d like to participate in the Press Briefing and Open House when you register.

About Case 002/01:
Case 002/01 is the first trial against two alleged former senior leaders of the Khmer Rouge.  The trial against Khieu Samphan, former Head of State of Democratic Kampuchea, and Nuon Chea, former Deputy Secretary of the Communist Party of Kampuchea, commenced on 21 November 2011. The criminal charges in this first trial are primarily focused on alleged crimes against humanity related to the forced evacuation of Phnom Penh in April 1975 and later from other regions, and the alleged execution of former Lon Nol soldiers at Tuol Po Chrey in Pursat immediately after the Khmer Rouge takeover in 1975. More information about Case 002/01 is available on the ECCC website:

For further information, please contact:

Lars Olsen
Legal Communications Officer
Mobile: +855 (0)12 488 023
Land line: +855 (0)23 861 669

Mr. Neth Pheaktra
Press Officer
Mobile phone: +855 (0)12 488 156
Landline: +855 (0)23 861 564
