Internal Rule 104 (1)

<p><strong>ECCC Internal Rule 104. Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court Chamber</strong></p><p>(Amended on 5 September 2008, 6 March 2009 and 9 February 2010)</p><p>1. The Supreme Court Chamber shall decide an appeal against a judgment or a decision of the Trial Chamber on the following grounds:</p><p>a) an error on a question of law invalidating the judgment or decision; or <br>b) an error of fact which has occasioned a miscarriage of justice.</p><p>Additionally, an immediate appeal against a decision of the Trial Chamber may be based on a discernible error in the exercise of the Trial Chamber’s discretion which resulted in prejudice to the appellant.</p><p>For these purposes, the Supreme Court Chamber may itself examine evidence and call new evidence to determine the issue.</p>